The benefits of hiring product demonstrators
Consider how much is happening at a trade show. At any given moment, there are copious amounts of booths, giveaways and demonstrations. The floor is buzzing with energy. How do you set your company’s trade show booth apart? How are you going to staff your Trade Show Booth? One of the most efficient and simple techniques is to hire demonstrators.
Let’s take a look at just a few of the reasons that it is imperative to have product demonstrator models.
Stand out
Imagine, for a moment, two booths with the same product. Both booths have great signage, are in a prime location, and staffed with well-polished and approachable staff. Booth A has representatives standing by, ready to answer any questions. Booth B has alluring product demonstrator models performing lively demos of their company’s product.
Which do you think will draw a larger crowd? For most of us, the lively booth with the product demonstrator models is most likely to captivate our attention and inevitably will draw a much larger crowd.
Continuing with our example of Booth A (no demos) and Booth B (with product demos), let’s consider another aspect: representation. The booth without product demonstrator models is less memorable than the booth that chose to hire demonstrators. Sure, the booth without demos could strike up a great conversation with attendees that might render their product memorable, but the chances are much higher that they will be remembered when there is more going on to remember.
Also, the booth with the demonstrations will attract more people and expose more attendees to their company and their product. This is a key factor for representation. Besides being a source of excitement, the booth with product demonstrators has the advantage of stellar representation and the higher likelihood of being remembered.
Leads. Leads. Leads
As I mentioned in another blog post, ‘Staffing Your Trade show Booth’, the main goal of a trade show booth is to gain leads, qualify them to become prospects, and then turn these prospects into sales.
Product demonstrator models ensure that a company will generate more attention from attendees and therefore have a much bigger net of leads. This point cannot be understated. It is crucial to hire demonstrators to attract as many leads as possible to get the best ROI for your company.
Now that we’ve gone over the importance of hiring business product demonstrators for trade shows, be sure to hire demonstrators who are professionals to facilitate your product demonstrations. It can be much more damaging for your company to have an awkward or disastrous product demonstration than it would have been to have no demonstrations at all!